Monday, August 15, 2011

the baking store, or one reason why I'm staying put for another year

One big reason to stay in Korea another year is because I finally know the ropes. After culture shock and jet lag subsided, which took a lot longer than I thought, I settled into the business of life. That also takes a long time, learning the basics, and now still learning all the time. I spent so much time in survival mode, and now I'm so much more relaxed and grocery shopping doesn't consume my weekends, why leave now that it's all making sense? A perfect example is the baking store. Baking is not ubiquitous here as it is at home. My apartment doesn't have a kitchen counter much less an oven. (I bought one and it sits on top of the refrigerator) Much to my delight there is a baking store in my city, which I found after I had been living here7 months, and though I have to hoof it to get there, it's worth it. This trip I got cake flour, which I may well be able to get at the big supermarket on my side of town. I also got cherry pie filling, chocolate chips made from real chocolate, an offset spatula, sprinkles, some cake boxes, and birthday candles. Next week is my co-worker's birthday and I am going to bake a cake! Actually, it's in the oven now, I'm going to be busy next weekend and freezing cake works great, so all I will have to do is frost it the day of. I also worked out a plan with one of my middle school classes, we are playing a point game based on class participation, and if the get 5,500 points I told them I will bake them a cake, and they were so excited! And after all of that, my birthday is at the end of next month, and I am going to bake myself a cake! So now that I can finally find all this stuff, why go home?


Bethany Grace Martin said...

Very good reasons to stay. You will feel like such a pro this coming year!

BDM said...

I can relate to this post. Only thing different was that I enjoyed my weekends being consumed by grocery shopping!

Natalie said...

While I do enjoy grocery shopping, I am glad I am so much better at it these days.