Friday, September 25, 2009

I was so caught up in Catie leaving that I forgot that I am leaving in the tomorrow for the Oregon Flock and Fiber Fest! My goals are this: I want to buy some dyed mohair locks. I bought some last year and they were wonderful. I spun them in with some drum carded alpaca, and I love that hat so much! Also any weird and wonderful fiber blends and I could really use some silk noil. There is a mill form Montana that makes lovely little rovings. The one small E got me has bison and has greens and golds and blues. And some noil. I have 2 pounds of alpaca already, but would be tempted to get about 4 more ounces of something loose from the barn. And maybe a pound of grease fleece, though I have a pound of white unscoured here already. Last year we didn't look around because we were too busy, so this will be fun. I know I will be frustrated by the crowds and the snobs, and all the kraft krap, but it will be wonderful. My mother asked for handmade jewelry for Christmas this year, and now I have the skills to make her what I wanted to make last year, so I might need a tiny bit of fiber for that, also.

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