Thursday, August 25, 2011

cake withdrawls

after the cake baking bonanza, which in truth was a marathon of 4 layers and 2 different batches of cupcakes to get the perfect cake, I really want a piece of cake! I didn't have one at our little fete, and the last 2 nights I have been wanting one. I really don't know where I would go to get one, a coffee shop maybe. Sadly it wouldn't be satisfying, Korean cake is pretty, but not what I want. So...another cake must be made! I struck a deal with one of the middle school classes that if they would participate more in class, they could earn points, and if they earned 5,500 points I would bake them a cake. Cake day is next Tuesday, and I still haven't decided what to bake. (I think I'm going to just make cupcakes because it's so much less fuss) The kids have recommended chocolate, carrot, green tea, and sweet potato.

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