Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I didn't think I was going to die but...

I thought we would be in an accident. That's what the bus is like. You go way to fast, and you come way to close to other large objects, like other busses. And then there are the free roads, vs. the toll roads. The free roads have 1.5 lanes per way. That extra half a lane is for passing. Passing in a large bus in half a lane is scary. But the ride is never boring! We (me and Mom) were in the bus for just over 8 hours, and most of it was through BEAUTIFUL farm country, green and lush and irrigated with ground water. My neck was sore from leaning to look. It's truly amazing and something I don't think people realize Mexico has. We went through Culican (SP) which is danger. (side note- no guns in Mexico for regular people) Culican is one of the places for drug dealer violence. Last year my parents took a road trip and everyone told them to avoid it. Why, you ask? Heads in duffel bags on the side of the road and no bodies. Ever. So I didn't get off to got to the bathroom at that stop. And because there are no guns that's why people are be-headed. Awesome. So my advice? Take the bus. It's an adventure. And we like to sit in the very front to see out the window. Also, we can watch the driver. They using this short hand sign language with eachother out the window and it's very interesting.

1 comment:

Brian Martin said...

Well, I just read that here in Japan the crime rate went down for the 6th straight year. We are allowed to stop and use the restroom.