well, nothing in Mexico is ever boring. It makes me crazy that nothing works. Except the bus. Sometimes. My mom and I were talking about how things never really work, but that the busses run often and you can get close enough to where you need to go. But there was this one time when my dad sent my mom to the store. She got on the bus because the store in the next town over is like a Fred Meyer-they have most everything most of the time. On the way there was a drunk guy who brought his beer and smokes onto the bus and wanted to be let of for just a sec so he could smoke. The bus driver said no. He got off at the next stop, but then quickly got back on. Then the next stop he tried the smoke break again, and this time his beer was thrown out the window, and the bus driver left without him. Then my mom finally got to the store and bought whatever it is my dad wanted. She went and got back on the bus towards home, which is about 7 miles. There is a beer distrubetor at the edge of town next to a stop light. My mom said that a disco ball inside caught her eye, along with a strobe light. She looked over, and that's when whe saw the go-go dancers. And that's when the light turned green. And no one moved. For 2 green lights. Everyone watched the go-go girls. And then it started to get dark, and the bus started to go home, and my dad got worried about my mom because she had been gone a long time. She told him about the
go-go dancers and they laughed.
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