Friday, January 30, 2009


last night I went back to school to do some work in the metal studio, and as I walked in the door and rounded the corner there was a little boy crying. I turned around because a small child's cry on a college campus is unusual. The little boy was standing between his mom and dad, I presume. I think his dad was going into class, probably to teach it. The little boy didn't want his dad to go, he was picked up and given a squeeze. I turned to continue down the hall and one of the maintenance guys was watching, also. I didn't recognize this man, and he said that he thought the little one was hungry. I didn't hear him, and he repeated himself, pantomiming holding a spoon and feeding himself. He speaks decent English, and it was amazing how he motioned, second nature.

I find these little microcosmic moments so precious; like a very short film. I have often wished that these moments could be captured, but then it wouldn't be so precious.

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